검색 팝업창

Company We at UNECO Co., Ltd. aim to globalize eco-friendly products.

    A word from the CEO

    Dear esteemed customer, To receive your choice,
    we will do our best in our products and services.

    “We are delighted to welcome you to the website of UNECO Co., Ltd.”

    UNECO Co., Ltd. is on a mission to become an "Eco-Friendly Company for Humanity."
    We are committed to moving forward towards the future, never forgetting the lessons and wisdom we have gained from our past experiences.
    By practicing ethical management, we aim to secure true competitiveness and become a company trusted by our customers and employees.
    We will proactively respond to the changing paradigms of the market and strive to be a sustainable company through maximizing profits and shareholder value.
    We are continuously working hard to become the leading eco-friendly company and to grow ourselves steadily.
    We kindly ask for your warm interest and encouragement to continue our growth journey with UNECO Co., Ltd.

    Thank you.

    CEO M.J.Lee